U. S. JCI Senate President Gary Pittenger #24804 Welcomes You 
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The Outstanding Newsletters and Communications

(Nolan Terrill Memorial Award)

     This award was instituted at the annual meeting held in North Charleston, WV, 2004, to recognize the outstanding state newsletters of the year.  Over the years, as electronic communications have evolved, so have the criteria for the award.  The award was changed in the 2019-20 administrative year to Outstanding Newsletters and Communications with the latter comprising social media and electronic meetings.  Typically, but not always, five awards are presented.  This award is sponsored by the Texas JCI Senate.  [Note:  Outstanding newsletters and websites [separated from newsletters award] were recognized prior to the named award.  However, not all winners could be located). 

2003-04 Vermont, Illinois, New York, Florida, Michigan  
2004-05 Florida, Ohio, Kentucky, Maryland, Illinois
2005-06 Alabama, California, Illinois, Missouri, New York
2006-07 California, Illinois, Maryland, Washington, Missouri, Region 6
2007-08 Washington, Alabama, California, West Virginia, Region 6
2008-09 Missouri, Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Region 6
2009-10 Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Region 6, Region 8
2010-11 Maryland, Missouri, Ohio, Region 6, Region 8
2011-12 West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maryland, Region 6
2012-13 Ohio, West Virginia, Illinois, Florida, Region 5
2013-14 Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Region 5
2014-15 Pennsylvania, Maryland, Oregon, Region 4, Region 8
2015-16 Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, North Carolina, Region 6
2016-17 Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Region 5 
2017-18 Missouri, Florida, North Carolina
2018-19 Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Region 4
2019-20 Florida, Maryland, Virginia, Oklahoma, Region 1
2020-21 Maine, New York, Texas, Florida, Region 6  
2021-22 Arizona, Ohio, Virginia,Maryland, Region 1
2022-23 Pennsylvania, Michigan, Oklahoma, Florida, Region 1
2023-24 Virginia, Florida, Illinois, North Carolinam Region IV