U. S. JCI Senate President Gary Pittenger #24804 Welcomes You 
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logoDid you ever wonder about the history of the U.S. JCI Senate? There are many of us who do not know how our organization was formed, who were the individuals behind its formation, what were the activities of U.S. JCI Senators before our official formation and what were the activities of our organization once we were formed and active?

Thanks to the memories of folks like Gary Hogue #8376 (deceased) and Virg LeBow #2559, we are able to present to you details about The Early History of the U.S. JCI Senate. After all, our organization did not just appear over night. JCI Senators in the US and other parts of the world worked hard, spending their own funds, to bring about the birth of the U.S. JCI Senate.

At the 20th Annual Meeting of the U.S. JCI Senate in June, 1992, in Portland, OR, the work of a lot of senators came to fruition with the presentation and sale of the 20th Anniversary booklet of the U.S. JCI Senate. This booklet was updated at the 25th Anniversary in Des Moines, IA in June of 1997 It portrays the details, including elected officers, major activities and accomplishments, on a year by year basis, of A Yearly History of the U.S. JCI Senate.

We are in the process of adding the a yearly copy of Minutes of The U.S. JCI Senate to this section. These are scanned copies of the minutes that were received from past Historian Michael Sawyer. These are broken down by meeting and also each year. You can viewand download selections from a listing of the available minutes.

As most of this information has been previously published, we present it there not to be repetitive, but to make it available to folks who have not read previous MENTORS articles about the formation of our organization or who do not own a copy of the 20th or 25th Anniversary booklet of the U.S. JCI Senate