U. S. JCI Senate President Gary Pittenger #24804 Welcomes You 
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The Senate is governed by the Executive Committee, which consists of the President, Administrative Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Board, Legal Counsel and the 10 Regional Vice Presidents.

At the three Board Meetings (Fall Board in September, Winter or Mid Year Board in January, and Convention in June) each member of the Executive Committee has a vote on every business items that requires a vote. In addition, each state is entitled to two (2) voting delegates but those delegates must be members of the State Organization and be present at the time of voting. All major business items are conducted with a roll call vote.

The National JCI Senate is divided into 10 Regions – each Region has an elected NVP (National Vice President)  The different regions are as follows:

  • Region I:  Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont
  • Region II:  Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania
  • Region III:  District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia
  • Region IV:  Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina
  • Region V:  Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio
  • Region VI:  Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin
  • Region VII:  Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee
  • Region VIII:  Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas
  • Region IX:  Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming
  • Region X:  Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah