U. S. JCI Senate President Gary Pittenger #24804 Welcomes You 
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Learning about the history of the JCI Senate and the U.S. JCI Senate can be time consuming, so we encourage you to get a bottle or cup of your favorite beverage before delving into this. Sources for this section of our site include the Junior Chamber International website and documents produced by numerous individuals over several years, some of which are available for download so you can review them offline.

We fully anticipate that some of our members will submit articles of their own for inclusion in this section or simply suggest that we add things as time goes by. Those additions or suggestions will be implemented as soon as time permits.

To make navigation of this section of our site easier for you, we have created a History Menu on the right or bottom on some devices.

History of this website

The U.S. JCI Senate would like to express appreciation to JCI Senator Robert E. Holbert #27166, who advocated for and prepared the original site and maintained it for the initial three years from 1994 until 1997. We would also like to thank the Board of Directors of AzTeC,  the community Free-Net in Phoenix, AZ, for allowing the U.S. JCI Senate to use its web servers to house the U.S. JCI Senate Web Information Center during its first five years of development. After that, the site was housed, again for free, on servers belonging to Systems and Methods, Inc. (SMI) in Carrollton, GA until June 2004.

Additional thanks go out to the succession of webmasters following Robert Holbert: Lowell Vahl #40315 from 1997 until June 2000, Terry Couture #48130 from June 2000 until June 2002, and Larry Pierce #56660 from June 2002 until June 2004.  Larry redesigned the website to offer a more modern look.  In 2003 the U.S. JCI Senate launched the JCI Senate Store, where you can order our products securely paying by check, credit card, or your PayPal account. In June 2004, this site was moved to a different web server and set up as a XOOPS site by webmaster, George Nowell #33085. George later converted the website to a Joomla CMS Platform. After George passed away suddenly in 2010, Carrie Spencer #70478 took over the Website in 2012 and did some major redesign of the site.  Lowell Vahl #40315 took over as webmaster in 2013 until 2021 and there were several Joomla version updates and changes during this time. In 2021 Allison Geddes #74777 took over as webmaster.